| 1. | Bepc and bes are the only tools of its kind in the world , which operate in the tau - charm energy region with high luminosity 子计数器的分辨率是北京正负电子对撞机的重要性能指标,其z向分辨率是决定探测器的性能好坏的标准。 |
| 2. | The circular jet is consistent with the visible jet which can be observed in experiments . these results are in agreement with the fact that the third jet ( gluon jet ) was historically first discovered in e + e - collisions in the energy region 17 - 30gev 这些结论与历史上在质心系能量区域17 - 30gev第一次在实验中发现第二个喷注(胶子喷注的实验事实是完全一致的。 |
| 3. | In 1985 , conseil europeen pour la recherche nucleaire ( cern ) succeeded to collide heavy ions in super proton synchrotron ( sps ) for the first time , which extended the research field of nuclear physics to a new energy region 数据来自于cern sps emu01 ( emu12 )国际合作组。 1985年,欧洲核子研究中心( cern )的超级质子同步加速器( sps )首次进行重离子运行,开辟了核物理研究的一个新能区。 |
| 4. | The energy loss of protons or silicon nuclei due to nuclear scattering is calculated using binary collision approximation and the " magic " formula is used to calculate the scattering angle . the electronic energy loss is calculated by bethe - bloch formulation at high energy , by linhard - scharff formulation at low energy and the interpolation formulation is used for the medium energy region . the nuclear reaction is calculated using intra - nuclear cascade model 核散射采用经典两体碰撞近似,并用“梦幻”公式求解散射角;电子阻止在高能时采用bethe - bloch公式,低能时采用lindhard - scharff公式,中能时采用biersack的插值公式;核反应过程采用核内级联模型。 |
| 5. | All cross sections of neutron induced reaction , elastic scattering angular distribution , neutron energy spectrum and double differential cross sections were calculated by using optical model and the semi - classical model of multi - step nuclear reaction processes based on the hauser - feshbach and exciton model in the energy region up to 20mev 应用光学模型和以复合核平衡态理论( hauser ? feshbach理论)及激子模型为基础的核反应多步过程的半经典理论,计算了当中子入射能量低于20mev时n + ~ ( 112120 ) sn反应的所有中子入射截面、弹性散射角分布、出射中子能谱以及出射中子双微分截面。 |
| 6. | Through a systematic study on reaction cross sections and the angular distribution of the stable nucleus scatterings , we find that the inclusion of the n - n finite range interaction and coulomb modification in the glauber theory plays very important role in reproducing the experiment data at these energy regions 通过稳定核,从轻核到重核中低能散射反应截面和弹性角分布的系统计算,分析显示在glauber理论计算中库仑场和核子?核子两体相互作用有限力程修正对于正确描述中低能稳定核散射有着重要作用。 |
| 7. | We have investigated transport properties of electrons in magnetic quantum structures under an applied constant electric field . the transmission coefficient and current density have been calculated for electron tunneling through structures consisting of identical magnetic barriers and magnetic wells and structures consisting of unidentical magnetic barriers and magnetic wells . it is shown that the transmission coefficient of electrons in a wider nonresonance energy region is enhanced under an applied electric field . the resonance is suppressed for electron tunneling through double - barrier magnetic ( dbm ) structures arranged with identical magnetic barriers and magnetic wells . incomplete resonance at zero bias is changed to complete resonance at proper bias for electron tunneling through dbm structures arranged with different magnetic barriers and magnetic wells . the results also indicate that there exist negative conductivity and noticeable size effect in dbm structures 对磁量子结构中电子在外加恒定电场下的输运性质进行了研究.分别计算了电子隧穿相同磁垒磁阱和不同磁垒磁阱构成的两种磁量子结构的传输概率和电流密度.计算结果表明,在相当宽广的非共振电子入射能区,外加电场下电子的传输概率比无电场时增加.对于电子隧穿相同磁垒磁阱构成的双磁垒结构,共振减弱;对于电子隧穿不同磁垒磁阱构成的双磁垒结构,无电场作用时的非完全共振在适当的偏置电压下转化为完全共振,这时的电子可实现理想的共振隧穿.研究同时表明,磁量子结构中存在着显著的量子尺寸效应和负微分电导 |
| 8. | In quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) , vacuum is not trivial , that is , vacuum carry quantum numbers . such a behavior is embodied by non - perturbative con - densates of quarks and gluons . since hadrons are excitations with respect to the vacuum , hadronic properties are ultimately related to properties of the vacuum . based on the vacuum structure , some hadron properties have been described well . in the low energy region , qcd has two very important proper - ties : chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking and confinement , which are closely related to the vacuum characteristics of qcd . much experiments and theoretical studies have shown that chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking is very important to understand the low - energy feature of the strongly interacting physics , and the quark condensates give an expression to chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking . according to goldstone ' s theorem , the goldstone bosons with zero mass will emerge as the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken . there are two ways : inear and non - linear methods to carry out this constraint . in our paper , we will use the non - linear method 大量实验和理论研究表明,手征对称自发破缺对于理解低能强相互作用十分重要,而夸克凝聚又是导致手征对称自发破缺的因素。按goldstone理论,伴随手征对称自发破缺应该会有零质量的goldstonebosons产生。而对于这一条件的实现有线性和非线性两种方法本文将用非线性的方法将手征对称自发破缺应用于su ( 3 )模型即重子八重态,得出描述其强相互作用的手征对称自发破缺lagrange密度。 |
| 9. | The calculation results show that the correlation between the multiplicity of intermediate mass fragments n ( subscript imf ) and total number of charged particles n ( subscript c ) is a sensitive observable for probing the isospin - dependent in - medium nucleon - nucleon cross section , but the isospin effects of symmetric potential on n ( subscript imf ) is not obvious in the chosen energy region 计算结果表明在所选能区,中等质量碎片的多重性与带电粒子总数之间的关联是提取介质中核子核子碰撞截面的灵敏观测量,而此时对称势的同位旋效应却不明显。 |